NEXT EVENT  Saturday, September 28


Chateau Raceway 6/10/16
After two weeks off because of Cold Rainy Spring like weather racing it looked like action would resume Friday night at Chateau Raceway in Lansing. A Sunny day and summertime temperatures in the 90’s most of the day gave way to gray skies and more rain a … read more
Chateau Raceway 6/3/16
Light Rain moved in at Mid-Afternoon Friday and the radar wasn’t promising for any big breaks in the weather so officials made the call early to cancel the nights scheduled racing at Chateau Raceway in Lansing. As it turned out it was a good call as the  … read more
Chateau Raceway 5/27/16
Rain interrupted plans for one of the nights that gets highlighted on the schedule every year for Chateau Raceway, the Mike Guttormson Memorial. Friday night was to be the scheduled 19th annual event with everyone waiting to see who would add there name to the … read more
Chateau Raceway 5/20
It was back to racing Friday Night at Chateau Raceway after a week off for the weather. Sunshine and temperatures in the 70’s made for a perfect night for the third night of racing action at the track just north of Austin. A nice field of 78 cars were on … read more
Chateau Raceway 5/13
Mother Nature got the better of Friday the 13th as racing action had to be cancelled at Chateau Raceway Friday night. After a week of light rain already had things pretty wet at the track another round of rain was forecast for Friday afternoon and it showed up … read more
Chateau Raceway 5/6/16
Week two of racing action rolled out Friday night at Chateau Raceway with Mother Nature providing the perfect night for the action despite some rolling clouds and thunder off to the east. After wet and cool weather with temperatures only in the 40’s c … read more
Chateau Raceway 4/29/16
Mother Nature won the scheduled second night of racing at Chateau Raceway this past Friday night. A wet week coupled with cool temperatures that lingered into Friday caused race officials to pull the plug on the nights plans. With things as wet as they wer … read more


Chateau Speedway Work In Progress #2
Drone footage of work being done at the Chateau Speedway in Lansing, Minn. After sitting idle since the end of the 2017 season, the track will return to action on Friday, July 13, for opening night of the 2018 campaign under the ownership of Mark and Annette Wytaske who purchased the 62-year-old fac… watch video

Chateau Speedway Work In Progress #1
Drone footage of work being done at the Chateau Speedway in Lansing, Minn. After sitting idle since the end of the 2017 season, the track will return to action on Friday, July 13, for opening night of the 2018 campaign under the ownership of Mark and Annette Wytaske who purchased the 62-year-old fac… watch video

Photo Gallery: Buck Monson Photo's